Friday, March 23, 2007

something to ponder

Tabaraka wa Ta`ala...

akhawat ikhwah fiLlah, heed this sage advice; quote taken from QNews May 1427H by Habibana `Ali Al Jifri, hafizahuLlah.

“The Prophet ShalALLAHu`alaihiwasalam is not alive in people’s hearts, he’s not alive in their spiritual wayfaring or in the way they do things an even in the way they list their priorities, and how they deal with others around them. This is what we’re missing, this is the real problem.”

“We are angry about the cartoons, we showed the world that. We showed them our anger but we didn’t show them the love for the Prophet Muhammad ShalALLAHu`alaihiwasalam. So through this year’s mawlid celebrations, it’s important that people find out why we love him, and through the remembrance of his noble characteristics they will know the reason for our love.”

“How do you explain to someone... why we love the Prophet ShalALLAHu`alaihiwasalam? People love in general for three reasons 'jamal', 'kamal' and 'ihsan'. 'Jamal' is beauty, 'kamal' is completeness or perfection and 'ihsan' is excellence. We have to get out the message that we see all these three aspects in the Prophet ShalALLAHu`alaihiwasalam and it’s these attributes that people actually need in their lives today.”

*Habib Ali Al Jifri has adopted the Arabic slogan Hayyun fi Qulubina
(Alive in Our Hearts) as rallying cry for this call to adopt the Prophetic values.*

ALLAHu a`lam bisawab.

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